
Disney postcard!!!

Curiosity about USA:
  • The Simpsons is the U.S. animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the FOX. The series is a satirical parody of the lifestyle of the middle class in the United States, symbolized by the family of the same name, which consists of Homer Jay Simpson, Marjorie "Marge" (Bouvier) Simpson, Bartholomew "Bart" Simpson, Elisabeth "Lisa" Marie Simpson and Margaret "Maggie" Simpson. The series takes place in the city of Springfield, and lampoons the culture and society the U.S., television and various aspects of the human condition.

New DE postcard!!!

Curiosity about Germany:

  • The german law consideres a pillow as a passive weapon.

Have a great day!!!!

New postcard from USA!!!

Curiosity about USA:
  • A mechanic named Steve Bolton changed his name to ... Buzz Lightyear because his girlfriend said that he had the smile and chin just like the character.

Best Wishes!


Curiosity about Czech Republic:
  • Communism was abolished following the Velvet Revolution of 1989 – so called because of the relatively peaceful manner in which university students and academics successfully campaigned to end the communist regime. You could say that the fall of the Berlin wall had a flow-on effect. Czechoslovakia later divided into the Czech and Slovak republics in 1993.

Best Wishes!

Another FI postcard!!!

Curiosity about Finland:
  • Helsinki is not only the main port of Finland, is its capital. Called the "White City of the North" due to its clear stone buildings, Helsinki concentrates most of the Finnish population.

Warm wishes!

New postcard from UKRAINE!!!

Curiosity about Ukraine:
  • In 1986, there was the explosion of a nuclear reactor in Chernobyl, Ukraine, still part of the former Soviet Union.
    The explosion, detonated a 2,000-ton lid off the reactor, sent 400 times more radioactive fallout than the Hiroshima bomb, contaminating around 200,000 square kilometers of Europe.
      Around 600,000 people were exposed to high doses of radiation, and more than 350 000 people had to be evacuated from contaminated areas.

Best Wishes!

Cute dog in my mailbox!

Curiosity about Finland:
  • In Finland you can buy eggs in packages of 10. Yes, that’s right 10 – not 12 – not a dozen, but 10. You can also purchase eggs in a 6-pack, 15-packs and even 4-packs.

Best Wishes!

More Maiko Girls!!!

Curiosity about Japan:
  • Kids, on  New Year's Eve and Children's Day, get as present money in envelopes. Grandparents and other relatives usually give them three bills from 1.000 yen(around 11 us dollars) to 10.000yen(around 110 us dollars).

Have a great day :)


Curiosity about Argentina:

  • Five Nobel Prizes have been delivered to Argentina: two of Peace, two Medicine and one on Chemistry.

Best Wishes!